Make Your Reservations Online

Plan Your Stay at The Soluna Hotel

Book your reservation at the Soluna Hotel in El Paso and enjoy everything from a Continental Breakfast to free Wi-Fi. You will discover an experience that is comforting for both business and leisure guests.

Reservations by Phone

To check availability and rates now, call us direct at 915-772-7100.

Online Reservations

Fill out the form below on this page and a representative will contact you soon.

There is always someone here at the Soluna Hotel. We are centrally located in El Paso Texas and welcome your stay with us.

Phone: (optional)
Rooms:   Adults:
How may we contact you?:
phone email
Verification: type in numbers below
Message: (150 characters max)

"We look forward to seeing you!"

* Your personal information is important to us. When you use our reservations form, the information you send us is considered private and confidential.